New Lurah for Psychiatry July-December 2022 General


There is always an upgrade in every new semester in Psychiatric study program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. It always begins with the election of “Lurah”, the highest leader in the residency organization structure. The selection starts with determining candidates who meet the requirements, namely residents who according to the academic timeline are already in the sixth semester. This time, there are 9 candidates who will join the election, with 63 residents will be the voters.

The election took place in June 21st, 2022, starting with an online presentation of the vision and mission as well as the workplans for the next committee by each candidate, followed by voting by all residents by using google form. The selection was carried out in two stages, because in the first one, no candidate received more than 50% of the votes. Two candidates who received the most votes then joined the re-election, which was later won by dr. Ariel Nugroho Susanto with 95.2% of the votes.

Handover from the previous Lurah was then held on July 8th, 2022. This was also be the first step for dr. Ariel as a Lurah for psychiatric committee structural. Several changes and improvements were made, including adding information and technology section and case discussion section in the resident’s structure. These two sections were intended to be able to follow the current developments in this digital era, including the development in social media, education, community service, and research that are related to technology. Not only that, various programs have also been developed, such as sports and arts sections, which are necessary for the refreshment for the residents.