The Psychiatry Specialist Education Program is divided into 3 (three) stages of education, where each stage has a complete educational goal and is achieved through experience and professional and academic education. Before starting the debriefing stage, students will take part in the pre-qualification first.
The debriefing and enrichment stage consists of 11 credits covered in General Basic Material (MDU) and Special Basic Material (MDK). At this debriefing stage, learning also includes some General Expertise Material and MKK (Special Skills Material) consisting of 47 credits carried out in 3 semesters and divided in the form of rotations in inpatient, outpatient, and integrated emergency unit services, as well as superior for Unud is culture-based psychiatric travel medicine.
The apprenticeship stage is the deepening of the debriefing stage by focusing on special expertise material in the field of psychotherapy and psychodynamics. This stage is carried out for 2 semesters with a load of 30 credits.
The independent stage consists of 39 credits of independent psychiatric management learning in the divisions of community psychiatry, addiction psychiatry, psychogeriatric, child and adolescent psychiatry, consultation liaison psychiatry, neuropsychiatric, and forensic psychiatry. The total study load required is 116 credits with a length of study of 8 semesters.
Tahap | Materi | SKS Akademik | SKS Profesi |
| ||
Pra Kualifikasi | Materi Dasar Umum |
| |
1. Filsafat Ilmu dan Etika profesi | 2 | - | |
2. Metodologi Penelitian | 2 | - | |
3. Statistik & Komputer Statistik | 2 | - | |
Materi Dasar Khusus |
| ||
1 Biologi Molekuler | 2 | - | |
2. EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) | 1 | - | |
3. Epidemiologi | 1 | - | |
4. Farmakologi Klinik | 1 | - | |
Jumlah SKS | 11 SKS | - |
Tahap | Materi | SKS Akademik | SKS Profesi |
| |||
Tahap Pembekalan | Materi Keahlian Umum |
| |
1. Psikiatri Biologi | 1 | | |
2. Siklus kehidupan (Teori Perkembangan) | 1 | 1 | |
3. Psikopatologi Fenomenologik/Deskriptif | 1 | 1 | |
4. Psikofarmakologi | 1 | 1 | |
5. Ketrampilan Klinik Pemeriksaan Psikiatri Dewasa | | 2 | |
6. Tes Psikometri dalam Bidang Psikiatri | | 1 | |
Jumlah SKS MKU | 4 SKS | 6 SKS | |
Materi Keahlian Khusus dan Materi Penerapan Kea hlian |
| ||
1. Gangguan Psikiatrik 1 (Dewasa) | | | |
a. Gangguan Mental Organik (F00-09) | 1 | 2 | |
b. Gangguan Mental dan Perilaku Akibat Penggunaan Zat (F10-19) | 1 | 2 | |
c. Skizofrenia, Skizotipal dan Gangguan Waham | 1 | 2 | |
d. Gangguan Suasana Perasaan (Gangguan Mood) | 1 | 2 | |
2. Terapi Psikiatrik | | | |
a. Psikoterapi | 1 | | |
Konseling | | 1 | |
Psikoedukasi | | 1 | |
Psikoterapi supportif | | 2 | |
b. Terapi Fisik (aplikasi ECT) | | 1 | |
c. Travel Medicine / Kedokteran Wisata Psikiatri | 1 | 1 | |
| 3. Kedaruratan Psikiatri | | 2 |
4. Rehabilitasi Psikiatri | | 1 | |
Jumlah SKS MKK dan MPK | 6 SKS | 17 SKS | |
| | | |
| Materi Penerapan Akademik | | |
| 1. EBCR (Evidence Based Case Report, Presentasi kasus, jurnal | 1 | 2 |
| 2. Sari pustaka/referat | | - |
Jumlah SKS MPA | 1 SKS | 2 SKS |
Tahap | Materi | SKS Akademik | SKS Profesi | ||
Tahap Magang | Materi Keahlian Khusus dan Materi Penerapan Keahlian | ||||
1. Gangguan Psikiatrik Dewasa | | | |||
a. Gangguan Neurotik, Gangguan Somatoform dan Gangguan Terkait Stres (F40-48) | 1 | 2 | |||
b. Sindrom Perilaku yang Berhubungan dengan Gangguan Fisiologis dan Faktor Fisik | 1 | 2 | |||
c. Gangguan Kepribadian dan Perilaku Masa Dewasa (F60-69) | 1 | 2 | |||
2. Psikopatologi Psikodinamika | 1 | 2 | |||
3. Konsep dan Teori Dasar Psikoterapi | | | |||
a. Psikoterapi Berorientasi Dinamik | 1 | 2 | |||
b. Eksistensialisme dan Gestalt | 1 | | |||
c. Transaksional Analisis | 1 | | |||
d. Terapi Kognitif dan Perilaku (CBT) | 1 | 2 | |||
e. Hipnoterapi | 1 | | |||
f. Psikoterapi Sistemik : Terapi Keluarga dan Pasangan/Marital | 1 | 1 | |||
| ||||
g. Terapi Seksual | 1 | | |||
4. Kedaruratan Psikiatri | | 2 | |||
Jumlah SKS MKK dan MPK | 11 SKS | 15 SKS | |||
Materi Penerapan Akademik | |||||
1. EBCR, presentasi kasus | | 2 | |||
2. Sari pustaka/referat | 111 | - | |||
3. Usulan/proposal penelitian | 11 | | |||
| |||||
Jumlah SKS MPA | 2 SKS | 2 SKS | |||
Tahap | Materi | SKS Akademik | SKS Profesi | ||
Tahap Mandiri | Materi Keahlian Khusus | ||||
1. Psikiatri Forensik | 1 | 2 | |||
2. Psikiatri Transkultural/Budaya | 1 | 2 | |||
3. Psikiatri Komunitas/Sosial | 1 | 2 | |||
4. Psikiatri Adiksi | 1 | 2 | |||
5. Psikiatri Anak dan Remaja | 1 | 3 | |||
| 6. Psikiatri Geriatri | 1 | 3 | ||
7. PsikiatriKonsultasi dan Liaison /Consultant Liaison Psychiatry (CLP) | 1 | 3 | |||
8. Neuropsikiatri | 1 | 2 | |||
9. Psikiatri Elektif (Militer/Spiritual dan Religi/Kesehatan Jiwa Perempuan) | 1 | | |||
10.Kedaruratan Psikiatri Mandiri | | 3 | |||
| | | |||
Materi Penerapan Akademik | | | |||
| |||||
12.Seminar Hasil Penelitian | 1 | | |||
13.Ujian Tesis | 1 | | |||
14.Ujian Ketrampilan Klinik OSCE | | 1 | |||
15.Ujian Akhir Ketrampilan Klinik Lokal | 1 | 1 | |||
16.Ujian Akhir Keterampilan Klinik/NBE | 1 | 2 | |||
Jumlah SKS MKK dan MPA | 13 SKS | 26 SKS | |||
| Jumlah | 48 SKS | 68 SKS | ||